Summer is a mixture of social events and bad food which often leave you feeling sluggish and overtired. It seems counterintuitive but a detox during the summer can help give you more energy with which to enjoy longer summer nights. By removing processed things and adding better foods and water you can improve your energy naturally and improve your sleep. Slow digestion, salty or processed foods, and water retention often result in a lot of bloating—something that is terrible in the summer. So give your body the herbs, fruits, and vegetables it needs to help improve the body and mind.
It is important to focus on your mental well-being as well as your physical well-being. With summer time around it is time to give your mind and body a detox with this 7 day plan:
Day 1
- Start by making yourself a big smoothie packed with greens like spinach, cucumber, avocado, mint, and celery. Add an apple to make it sweeter is a good way to go. This will help the body.
- Make some time for peaceful reflection and meditation. Use a meditation app if you need. There are many available like HeadSpace or Buddhiy which make it easy.
- For your body, start by using a dry skin body brush and cleaning your body with circular motions.
Day Two
- Replace coffee with herbal teas. This reduces caffeine.
- Turn off your phone at dinner time and leave it off. Use this time to start meaningful conversations with those around them.
- Switch to natural deodorants which are aluminum and chemical free.
Day Three
- Have a vegetarian day where all of your meals are loaded with beans, whole grain, pulses, and legumes.
- Enjoy a relaxing bath with aromatic salts.
- Place herbal tea bags in the fridge after they have been used. After 30 minutes, take out the bags and place them over your eyes for 20 minutes. This will help to get rid of any dark circles or puffiness.
Day Four
- Start off by drinking luke warm water with lemon. This is a way to happily detox your liver. Then, later in the day, add some apple cider vinegar. This will help to cleanse the liver.
- Embrace some mindfulness and belly breathing to help heal the mind. Do this for fifteen minutes.
- Get a jar of virgin coconut oil and work it into your hair. Leave it on your hair for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it out and wash your hair as usual.
Day Five
- Eat raw foods today, with lots of homemade meals. Have fruit, nuts, and seeds for your snacks.
- Take a yoga class to loosen your limbs and clear your mind.
- Clean all of your makeup brushes. Washing any brushes you use will help remove bacteria that gets trapped.
Day Six
- Eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
- Go for a walk and try to clear your mind of all distractions.
- Make an all natural face mask to revitalize your skin. Mix honey, coconut oil and avocado.
Day Seven
- Chew your food 10 times before you swallow. Be mindful of your bites and meals to give yourself a sense of fullness without over eating.
- Get a massage, even if it is a small massage only 10 minutes long.
- Clear out all old bathroom products and start fresh. Toss out anything you do not use.