If you work indoors, then it’s a good idea to create as relaxing an atmosphere in your workspace as you can. It’s better for your overall health, and also helps you maintain the stamina you need to get through your daily tasks without rushing or feeling stressed. But you don’t want to relax too much, or your production will go down and your boss won’t be happy!.
Here are some essential oils you can either apply directly to your skin, or burn in an oil burner (if your work environment allows – don’t set off the sprinkler system!) which have benefits that will assist you to get through your day in the best way possible:
Lavender: Head-clearing, respiratory, skin healing, nervine, muscle relaxant, digestive, sedative, calming, balancing, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, decongestive, antidepressant.
NB: Dried lavender hung in a room, or the oil burned or passed through the aura of a person has a spiritually cleansing effect. It helps to balance all levels of being and clears negative emotion.
Clary Sage: Soothing, anit-inflammatory, calming, astringent, tonifying, warming, relaxing, uplifting.
Make a soothing eye compress by soaking pieces of clean lint or cotton in cooled boiled water to which several drops of clary sage essential oil have been added. Lay the compress over the eyes for ten minutes while lying down and relaxing.
You can make a cleansing and relaxing room spray with purified water infused with a few drops of Lavender and a few drops of Clary Sage. (Preferably use a small glass spray jar, because plastic is porous and some of the oil may seep through and gradually evaporate through the sides of the container.) Shake well before spraying. Spray your workspace, chair and around your computer (don’t spray any electronic devices because the water could cause it to short out!). Spray the cleansing / relaxing oils into your aura or energy field before you go to work.
You can also rub Lavender oil directly into your temples to ease tension and ward off headaches. It’s great to do this before you go to sleep at night if you are having trouble relaxing and clearing your mind enough to sleep.
Sandalwood is also a nice oil to use in a spray, or a couple of drops gently massaged into the inside of your wrists or behind your ears. It has a potent calming effect on the nerves and digestive system, which makes it very useful to soothe an upset stomach as well. The rich, woody aroma provides a relaxing and supportive environment for meditation, and promotes confidence and well-being.
Homeopathic remedies Help to rebalance the body’s energy field, emotions and mental state, as well as the physical body. They are diluted essences which have been shaken many times to create potency in the remedy. They are usually matched to a person and situation depending on what that person is experiencing or going through at the time. Hence remedies prescribed will have the necessary properties which will best aid healing in a given situation. However there are some general remedies that have benefits that would help you relax at work, or during any busy or stressful situation:
Homeopathic Arnica – (This is arnica in a liquid or pill form, not the topical cream used for sprains and bruising) Arnica has a very calming and soothing effect when taken orally during stressful situations. It is most commonly prescribed when someone has suffered an accident or trauma, because it is wonderful for healing shock. If you’re feeling especially wound up and tense, taking five or six drops orally under the tongue will relax you very quickly and slow your heart rate and breathing. It should only be taken as needed, and will not prevent you from reacting to stressful situations (not a preventative) but rather will help you deal with the symptoms of stress and reach a balanced state quickly.
Homeopathic Aconite (Monkshood) May help with acute anxiety or panic attacks, as will Arsenicum album , although with these or any other remedies, it would be useful to get professional guidance on which remedy would suit you and appropriate dosage from a qualified homeopath.
Bach Flower Rescue Remedy Is a flower essence made from a combination of flowers (namely Star of Bethlehem). Is very useful when experiencing very stressful or anxious situations, and is also used to treat shock. Like the homeopathic Arnica, it is taken orally, just a few drops under the tongue as needed. You should always carry a small vial of Rescue Remedy in your purse or pocket, and have some in your first aid kit as well.